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Join date: Jun 29, 2022


Hi, I'm Jamelia, Founder and Managing Director of Jamelia Gay Coaching, and I AM a black woman who realized I matched an ADHD profile in my adulthood. I started ADHD and Executive Function Coaching because I was inspired to motivate, empower and support other adults who are seeking clarity and strategies for their daily experiences. I am here to guide you through the process of self-exploration and to the co-creation of proactive, long-lasting strategies.

Whether you are diagnosed with ADHD, fit an ADHD profile, or have been experiencing one or more components of Executive Functioning, I will increase your understanding, work with you to co-create active and achievable goals, and help you begin living your life On Purpose!

ADHD can compromise your ability to pay your bills on time, complete assignments, communicate effectively, engage socially, follow through on plans, regulate emotions, and more. These challenges can become compounding and may negatively impact familial, romantic, business, and peer relationships. ADHD may also negatively affect your perception of self... but here's the good news - it doesn't have to! Coaching can help you understand the ways ADHD can affect you and your loved ones. ADHD Coaching also provides support strategies to non-ADHDers living and working with an individual with ADHD or Executive Function development needs. Information aids transformation!

Jamelia Gay Coaching

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